Energy Crops

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Cutting emissions by using Willow as fodder for sheep

New study suggests that using willow as fodder can cut emissions from livestock The Game and Wildlife Trust research showed that adding tree leaves to the diet of sheep could be instrumental in reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Scientists from the trust tested the theory on 24 Aberfield [...]

2021-04-07T11:37:17+01:00February 1st, 2021|Carbon, Energy Crops, Forestry, News|

Energy Crops Consultancy on the BBC!

This very morning, an interview by Caz Graham (Freelance radio reporter) with Neil Watkins of Energy Crops Consultancy and Caroline Holden of United Utilities was broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Farming Today programme. United Utilities has worked with Energy Crops Consultancy to plant a 2 hectare site near [...]

2021-04-07T11:39:13+01:00January 7th, 2021|Biodiversity, Carbon, Energy Crops, Harvesting, News|

Climate Change Committee 6th Carbon Budget has been released

The Climate Change Committee has published its Sixth Carbon Budget report which highlights how perennial energy crops can provide local energy while significantly reducing carbon emissions and the need for fossil fuels. The report shows that the planting of energy crops is needed to remove CO2 in the [...]

2020-12-18T13:21:01+00:00December 18th, 2020|Carbon, Energy Crops, News|

ECC puts its new harvester to work!

We've already been putting our brand new New Holland Forage Harvester to work on energy crop harvesting!Since receiving it from Lloyd Ltd just three weeks ago, we've harvested four complete willow plantations already, with more in the pipeline!It’s important for ECC that our growers know we will do a [...]

2020-11-23T15:05:09+00:00November 21st, 2020|Energy Crops, Harvesting, News|

ECC takes delivery of brand new New Holland Forage Harvester from Lloyd Ltd

Energy Crops Consultancy (ECC) is a new renewable green energy company formed during the height of COVID-19 at the start of 2020. Using wood biomass primarily for energy generation, Energy Crops Consultancy is helping to create sustainable long-term renewable energy solutions to move away [...]

2020-11-23T12:25:09+00:00November 5th, 2020|Carbon, Energy Crops, Harvesting, News|

Will the revolutionary ELM Scheme support perennial energy crop growers across the UK?

...and will it follow the Climate Change Committee advice to achieve a net-zero economy by 2050? Our director, Neil, has recently been attending various digital discussions surrounding the flagship ELM scheme, as we work with NFU and REA and other high profile bodies to help form a combined response [...]

2020-09-25T15:00:59+01:00September 25th, 2020|Carbon, Energy Crops, News|

Grow Your Income with Perennial Energy Crops 

Now is the time to be thinking about planting energy crops, but how do you grow an income this way? When deciding which route is best to go down when repurposing your land, you should always seek professional and trustworthy advice so that you can effectively and efficiently [...]

2020-09-24T14:45:54+01:00July 23rd, 2020|Energy Crops, Planting|

The influential Climate Change Committee’s must-read policy document on land-use

In January of 2020, the UK's Climate Change Committee released a ground-breaking report into how the UK must change in order for it to meet its 2050 Net-Zero carbon challenge.Perhaps the most exciting part of this report from our point of view is the findings on how land use [...]

2020-09-24T15:48:01+01:00December 27th, 2019|Energy Crops, News|
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